• Where do the assistive content (sign language videos, captions, audio description) come from?

    Two sources, generally: Our content partners supply us with assistive content (captions, audio description, sign language video). But we expect that most assistive content will be user-generated, ala YouTube.

  • Are the sign language videos computer-generated?

    The sign language videos are signed by humans. Right now, most computer-generated sign language implementations are lacking, though some are good enough for basic, ‘phrasebook-type’ questions/conversations. Sign language is more nuanced and “multi-dimensional” than a pair of animated hands.

    Someday, computers may be good enough to automatically sign ‘common conversations’, such as customer/help desk queries. Still, we expect that ‘key content’—educational, technical, tentpole titles—will still be predominantly signed by humans.

  • Are these assistive content pre-recorded or dynamically generated in real-time?

    Sign language videos and audio description are predominantly (for now) pre-recorded. There is more latitude for captions; when pre-recorded captions are not available, we can deliver live transcriptions/captions of video content. But the accuracy may vary, depending on various factors, including the clarity of the dialog track, language/accent used, topic familiarity, and other factors.

  • Can this be used for making live content accessible?

    Technically, yes. We opted to focus first on making existing (pre-recorded/stored) videos (educational, entertainment, etc.) accessible. If you’re interested in making your live content accessible, feel free to contact us.

  • Do you need permission to make other content accessible?

    Have you ever used Google’s Translate app for translating text written in a foreign language, such as road signs, menus, documents, etc.? Google needs no permission to translate road signs, menus, foreign documents. What we do is similar; we only make content accessible—not modify the original/source content.

  • Can I watch the assistive content on their own?

    Generally, captions, audio description, and sign language are used in conjunction with the video that they are lending accessibility to. So no, these assistive content are only delivered by our assistive technologies (app, headset, set-top box, etc.) as companion to (in conjunction with) the primary video source that’s being consumed.

  • Is the app available for download?

    The app is fully functional; it has been tested by paying corporate clients.

    We will make the app publicly downloadable soon (we’re polishing it up, and uploading more assistive content). But if you’re interested in private trials, feel free to contact us.

  • Where can I buy the AR headset?

    We have sold many headsets to corporate clients, as part of an accessibility service package. The only reason we haven’t sold them yet to the public is the limited amount of sign language content. Once that reaches critical mass, we’ll sell them publicly. If you are interested in private trials (schools, conferences, local communities, etc.), feel free to contact us.

  • What is your endgame?

    The United Nations estimate that by 2030, 900+ million people will live with some form of hearing and/or visual disability—more than 100 million of whom are profoundly deaf or bilaterally blind. A great majority of the 70+ million profoundly deaf live in developing countries, most cannot read captions.

    Our endgame is social and economic inclusion of people with disabilities—first with universal access to education, which ultimately enhances employability and socio-economic participation.

  • How can I contribute, and what's in it for me?

    Thank you for your willingness. You may contribute in several ways.

    You can contribute content (captions, sign language, audio description, dubs, audio commentaries, etc.) and get a revenue share for your contributions. Sign up to our mailing list for more updates, or message us from the contact page.

    If you’re a brand, content owner, creator, distributor and would like to make your content more accessible, let’s collaborate!

    If you know of organizations (communities, schools, government agencies, sponsors, impact ivnestors, etc.) we should partner with, we would love to hear from you.